Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's the Solar Flares, Stupid

Lutz be careful not to say anything stupid.

According to the man himself cars do not contribute to CO2 global warming as much as solar flares do. Yes, the majority of respected scientists have made a serious error in attributing the scale of human activities to global warming.

Press Preview For Detroit International Auto Show

Amazingly, Lutz, GM's CEO, knows a thing or two about how to interpret scientific data, Thanks to his superior knowledge about how the earth works we can drive our cars with utter contempt for the 'crock of shit' 'ers who have taken us down the proverbial garden path.

Well done, Lutz. I feel a whole lot better now knowing the sun is the culprit. Someone call up Bruce Willis. It's time we nuked the sun and stopped this charade. Long live the SUV!

I wonder why.
Bruce Newton: "I am not going to give a speech on this because everytime I do I get in trouble," Lutz said, then immediately began explaining his views."

Bob Lutz takes the first foilist award for 2010. Congrats!

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