Thursday, July 8, 2010

On the Street: NO NEW COAL

photo taken from the Nature Conservation Council of NSW website
A small but enthusiastic group of Eartheists braved the chilled morning hours of July 6 and greeted Sydney business commuters on their way to work. The aim was to create public awareness of 2 new Coal power stations being proposed in NSW. Terrific! Some 800ish NSW citizens signed the petition which brings the total over 8000. The NSW government needs to hear a loud protest NO to NEW COAL.

What struck me was the number of people who expressed gratitude for what we were doing. There is support out there. People do care.

Together we shout "No Deal!" It just doesn't make sense to build more fossil fuelled power stations when we should be moving forward to renewable technologies. It is time to place our faith in human enterprise and ingenuity. NO NEW COAL. NO NEW COAL.

Many thanks to the Nature Conservation Council of NSW for organising the event.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Climate-gate: Under Exposed Hoax

I really don't know where to begin. Finally after a four month investigation Pennsylvania State University has given Michael Mann, one of the adjudged conspirators of data manipulation, the all clear on research misconduct.

While this announcement is most welcome for some reason it does not feel like a victory. Unforgivably, I can not erase the smug looks I imagine are still frozen to the faces of the climate denier's. Their malicious aim was to muddy Copenhagen. Derailment. Loss of ground, indeed, but it is better to be absolved of wrongdoing than be held to the firing wall. Not that deniers will be satisfied with this finding, they are unable to accept evidence unless it is exclusively theirs.

The fact is we should feel more secure about science, especially when it is scrutinised by peers.

I think it is fair to say the news coverage was hot when it first leaked. And milder when the all clear was given. I still believe the real story rests with the mainstream media. The bias is palpable. Whatever it is that bends them they are not giving it away.
Pennsylvania State University noted Mann's "outstanding" work was widely recognised in science circles - discounting accusations of misconduct.