Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thinking Like a Child

Thomas Friedman
While it feels slightly uncomfortable to draw attention to Thomas Friedman, the NYT's columnist, because I often find his views incompatible with my own, I am quite happy to bestow accolades to his excellent article which deals with the Gulf oil spill and Obama's opportunity to steer environmental policy toward renewable energy. In it he demonstrates optimism and compelling argument for common sense that we don't often find covered in mainstream media. If the children understand then why can't we? While it seems crass to capitalise on this tragedy I think one has to be resigned to mess, after all, disasters are ramifications of living in this universe. Whether they be natural or human-made, it makes sense to reduce the damage and learn how to survive future events that are surely bound to occur. Click on the link below to access the full text that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday, June 1, 2010. Here are a few bites of text which I heartily endorse.

".... the most important thing Obama can do is react to this spill as a child would - because it is precisely that simple gut reaction, repeated over and over, speech after speech, that could change our national conversation on energy...

I am glad the President passed healthcare for the nation. But healthy to do what? To go where? To grasp what dream? Answering those questions is the President's great opportunity here, but he has to think like a kid.

Kids get it. They ask: Why would we want to stay dependent on an energy source that could destroy so many birds, fish, beaches and ecosystems before the next generation has a chance to enjoy them? Why aren't we doing more to create clean power and energy efficiency when so many others, even China, are doing so?
And, Daddy, why can't you even mention the words "carbon tax", when the carbon we spill into the atmosphere every day is just as dangerous to our future as the crude oil that has been spilling into the Gulf?
That is what a child would want to know if he or she could vote. That is the well of aspiration for a game-change on energy that Obama can tap into. And he could even rip off BP for his moon shot motto: Let's get America "Beyond Petroleum". As you would say, Mr President, this is your time, this is your moment. Seize it. A disaster is an inexcusable thing to waste."