Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting to know Global Warming

The debate on global warming is one I find most frustrating to appreciate from the view of a skeptic. I think we should be well past the discussion and well into the 'doing what we can with all our might' phase. While the media focuses on the diatribe I firmly believe they are doing us a disservice. The majority of scientists have overwhelmingly proven the earth is warming. Science clearly demonstrates that the earth's temperatures are rising proportionately to the output of human industry.

It is widely accepted that since the advent of the Industrial Revolution the earth has warmed significantly, and as our populations and consumption habits have soared so has our insatiable demand for energy increased. We are exponentially burning fossil fuel to our detriment, risking our own and our children's future in destroying the plants and animals which provide our sustenance. Consumption feeds us and also depletes us. An unbalanced planet, missing its essential species can not feed us. A violent world ravaged by weather can not protect us and it will see our demise from both spiralling war and disease.

I can understand the unwillingness of economic powerhouses to commit to reducing global warming especially when consensus is betrayed by mistrustfulness and their own selfish objectives. No one wants to lose their place. The problem with playing politics is time. There is no more time.

I don't understand skeptics. What is in it for them? I know some religious people are expecting the second coming, an end of this sinful world to be supplanted by a theocratic utopia, an image of heavenly peace and beauty. They portend global warming as largely prophesied and as a necessary condition of the revelation, horseman of the apocalypse and all that tripe. I hear their thinking, "why delay the inevitable. Bring on the pestilence. My unreserved faith in god is all the salvation I need, god will take care of everything." They have always pinned their hope to the after life, driven by delusions of grand mansions and vestal virgins that await the faithful.

Then there are those other fallacists who live purely by economics. How wrong are these people? Are they so myopic that they confuse burning lethal energy as profit. What profit is there in values that perpetuate materiality at the expense of peace or happiness? Where is the good in misery, starvation, and slavery.

These are surely the signs of the monster, capitalism. What a wonderful world it pretends to be for those who are strong enough to survive with money and power. After the slaves are gone who will pay the taxes? Unless for money sake, I can not fathom the arguments which allay renewable energies over coal and nuclear.

Eventually, we must put our dynamism into renewables. So why not get started now in a big way instead of being so superficial about actually doing something we know is the right action? Surely one thing humanity can do well is rise to a challenge.

My voice is all I have to add to a chorus of people who believe whether we are late or not we must act to preserve our beautiful earth.

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