Monday, November 30, 2009

Baccalaureate Address: Lynn Sharp

Something optimistic that I found about the notion of change.

Baccalaureate Address: Lynn Sharp


  1. Thanks for the link to Progressive Blog Digest.

    I have added your site to my blog list as well.

    (I'm not sure I belong in the company of heroes you cite!)

    Nick Burbules

  2. Yes, you do.

    I've been following your excellent blog daily for a number of years. Without dedicated people like yourself people like myself would most likely be at the mercy of mainstream media. To me you exemplify the kind of human being we should strive to be, informed, caring and genuinely committed to fighting against those who would have us their slaves. No one should be put on a pedestal, but you should be recognised for your courageous efforts. I think there have been times you must have wondered if all of it was worth it. Be assured that your work has not been futile.

    I personally identify with your aims and I wish you all the best. Hopefully you will continue to amalgamate information we otherwise would spend ages trying to gather. Thanks Nick.
