Wednesday, November 25, 2009

U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman

John McCain Holds Press Conference On Capitol Hill

Joe Lieberman is a dubious character in U.S. politics. Purportedly, he sides as a Democrat. However, much of his allegiance appears to allied with the Republican party. Without going into specifics the man is arguably a spoiler and plays for both teams. How the Democrat party puts up with his antics is a mystery.

In my opinion his stance on Health Care Reform is duly obstructionist and he is in opposition to well... who really knows? He seems actively determined to scuttle (filibuster) the reform legislation currently being debated in the U.S. Senate. I am convinced he is in the pockets of the health insurance companies. When pressed to explain his reasoning he answers in ambiguities. This man is master of foil, an agent of distraction.

Find below some links which highlight some of my concerns.

Joe Conason: Hadassah Lieberman worked for a powerhouse lobbying firm. Were her clients' special interests being served by her husband?

Joe Lieberman: "If the public option plan is there, as a matter of conscience, I will not allow this bill to come to a final vote."

Nicholas D. Kristof: "for those members of Congress who are wavering on health reform, listen to John's story." (more...)

1 comment:

  1. In any language the prints are all over the cookie jar. The circumstantial evidence is compelling, yet despite it it is difficult to prove in fact. If someone were to indict Lieberman all hell would break loose and I fear the accuser would rue the day. Thats what being powerful is all about and why so many strive to mount its heights. With power comes impunity. Not always, but on such a scale enough for most of us to simply abide the status quo.
