Thursday, January 21, 2010

About the Massachusetts GOP victory

There is no doubt this event is tragic for the world. It portends of more aftershocks on the way.

The first thing the Americans can do is kiss universal health care goodbye and caress the stained hands of those corporations which have enslaved them forever. The rest of the world can expect more of the same from the warmongers and idiots when it comes to fixing global issues. It's time to put all the dreams on hold and go back to gardening. Yes, I can!

The great hope that rested on Obama is moot. And this definitely hurts on so many levels, I have to say. To be honest I had high hopes he was the person to take us forward. But instead I feel like I have been betrayed by his actions. I don't want to make excuses for him but he certainly didn't get any help from his party. Those feeble representatives bring new meaning to the notion that we ourselves are often our worst enemy. If Democrats are patent at one thing it is losing the un-losable victory.

On the other hand one has to admire the other side for knocking the wind out of YES WE CAN!

Of course tomorrow will show up and give us another day to get back into it. Definitely what happened sucks, and giving up would be so easy given the state of my cynicism. But, what else is there to do? Hi Ho, Hi Ho.

1 comment:

  1. How wrong I was. Not that I don't mind in the slightest. In this case it is good to have been proven wrong. Even if the Health Care Reform bill wasn't passed with legislation many progressives wanted, Obama's administration must be given credit for squeezing what they could through against formidable opposition. Maybe I should try to be less cynical.
