Thursday, January 21, 2010

About the Massachusetts GOP victory

There is no doubt this event is tragic for the world. It portends of more aftershocks on the way.

The first thing the Americans can do is kiss universal health care goodbye and caress the stained hands of those corporations which have enslaved them forever. The rest of the world can expect more of the same from the warmongers and idiots when it comes to fixing global issues. It's time to put all the dreams on hold and go back to gardening. Yes, I can!

The great hope that rested on Obama is moot. And this definitely hurts on so many levels, I have to say. To be honest I had high hopes he was the person to take us forward. But instead I feel like I have been betrayed by his actions. I don't want to make excuses for him but he certainly didn't get any help from his party. Those feeble representatives bring new meaning to the notion that we ourselves are often our worst enemy. If Democrats are patent at one thing it is losing the un-losable victory.

On the other hand one has to admire the other side for knocking the wind out of YES WE CAN!

Of course tomorrow will show up and give us another day to get back into it. Definitely what happened sucks, and giving up would be so easy given the state of my cynicism. But, what else is there to do? Hi Ho, Hi Ho.

It's the Solar Flares, Stupid

Lutz be careful not to say anything stupid.

According to the man himself cars do not contribute to CO2 global warming as much as solar flares do. Yes, the majority of respected scientists have made a serious error in attributing the scale of human activities to global warming.

Press Preview For Detroit International Auto Show

Amazingly, Lutz, GM's CEO, knows a thing or two about how to interpret scientific data, Thanks to his superior knowledge about how the earth works we can drive our cars with utter contempt for the 'crock of shit' 'ers who have taken us down the proverbial garden path.

Well done, Lutz. I feel a whole lot better now knowing the sun is the culprit. Someone call up Bruce Willis. It's time we nuked the sun and stopped this charade. Long live the SUV!

I wonder why.
Bruce Newton: "I am not going to give a speech on this because everytime I do I get in trouble," Lutz said, then immediately began explaining his views."

Bob Lutz takes the first foilist award for 2010. Congrats!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

That darn energy bill!

Haiti Disaster Renews Fears Of Major Earthquake In Southern California

I don't know why but I have always feel trepidation when I open my electricity and gas bills. My heart unfailingly stops beating as my eye races to see the money I will have to pay. When I do so I should sit down. Obviously, the momentary loss of blood flow presses me to feel light-headed. With the huge increases in energy charges these days I should probably lie flat and organise a heart specialist on standby. It is getting that bad.

As expected energy costs go up. But what grates me is that my household energy charges seem to be going up more than any other expense. In two quarters my bill has jumped more than 100 dollars, and percentage-wise this increase is much more than groceries and other essentials, which are also sky rocketing. It just seems disproportionate. Something seems awry about the CPI bundle the government is calculating. Seriously.

By the way this isn't a rant about my bill. I am not that unreasonable to expect a free ride when it comes to energy. I am aware of the costs and the benefits that come from usage.

Where I want to draw this post is to the decision I have recently made to portion part of my payments to renewable energy. It may seem meagre but 20% of my bill will now go to the renewable energy sector. Yes, I know this commitment is lean and it looks hypocritical considering my strong views and all.

Unfortunately the other 80% will still end up in the hands of the dirty coal industry.

But, the choice was easy to make, after all I support renewable industries. The difficult part was trying to settle on the amount I could afford to shell out.

I don't know what it is like elsewhere but here in Australia there appears hardly an incentive to switch to green energy. Considering the undeniable truth about fossil fuel's life span I don't understand why our governments are dragging their feet on policy direction. Their greenish rhetoric seldom gets marshalled into substantive action and their support for coal appears undiminished, in fact flourishing. Of course, politically, there are many reasons why governments are reluctant to make big difficult decisions. But they will have to make them sooner hopefully than later. I think people want our governments to be courageous and make the wise decision to do what is more responsible. Let go of coal.

In order for me to choose green energy I have to shoulder a higher premium amount under a 2 year contract. As a conscientious responsible citizen I want to make a substantial contribution even when it means paying for something more than what it costs under coal technology. I wish I could afford more, however, this is not financially possible without greater sacrifice on other necessities.

It is this business of deadlines that worries me, 2012, 2015, 2020, and 2050. For the sake of our children's future our governments have to lead with greater commitment and help us move toward the changes that have no alternative but to be made quick smart.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Problem with Being Human

Some months ago we were shocked to learn that scientists from the University of East Anglia had fudged the data linked to global warming. It must have been a satisfying gloat for sceptics. I remembered at the time resisting the urge to take the news seriously. Just another apologist beat up I thought.

Personally, I didn't have an issue with the way media headlined the fraud. It certainly made high profile mockery of those particular academics, and frankly, if they tampered with the data then they deserved a roasting. Everything especially science must be held up to scrutiny. Put it down to human frailty, I suppose.

The hoax news conceivably threw advocates of global warming into a spin as it did me. I have to say for a moment I felt doubt. I recovered. My big question was about the ramifications, how could the movement recover from that? All that effort gone into educating and persuading the unbelievers was decades in the making. The whole affair demonstrated how easily it could have all fallen apart.

Well, as we witnessed the hoax scare was merely a deviation, shortly corrected. Somehow we as humanity just move on. I suppose we just get tired and apathetic with some things. Overall, the hoax news didn't alter the major commitment to the global warming movement, certainly not as the sceptics would have wanted it to pan out. I think they would have liked to have scored a coup.

I will leave you with a link to an article posted by The Tech Online Edition which outlines some of the debate that has ensued. I think it is healthy to broaden the discourse.

In Wake of Climate Research Controversy, MIT Faculty Discuss Validity of Concerns:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting to know Global Warming

The debate on global warming is one I find most frustrating to appreciate from the view of a skeptic. I think we should be well past the discussion and well into the 'doing what we can with all our might' phase. While the media focuses on the diatribe I firmly believe they are doing us a disservice. The majority of scientists have overwhelmingly proven the earth is warming. Science clearly demonstrates that the earth's temperatures are rising proportionately to the output of human industry.

It is widely accepted that since the advent of the Industrial Revolution the earth has warmed significantly, and as our populations and consumption habits have soared so has our insatiable demand for energy increased. We are exponentially burning fossil fuel to our detriment, risking our own and our children's future in destroying the plants and animals which provide our sustenance. Consumption feeds us and also depletes us. An unbalanced planet, missing its essential species can not feed us. A violent world ravaged by weather can not protect us and it will see our demise from both spiralling war and disease.

I can understand the unwillingness of economic powerhouses to commit to reducing global warming especially when consensus is betrayed by mistrustfulness and their own selfish objectives. No one wants to lose their place. The problem with playing politics is time. There is no more time.

I don't understand skeptics. What is in it for them? I know some religious people are expecting the second coming, an end of this sinful world to be supplanted by a theocratic utopia, an image of heavenly peace and beauty. They portend global warming as largely prophesied and as a necessary condition of the revelation, horseman of the apocalypse and all that tripe. I hear their thinking, "why delay the inevitable. Bring on the pestilence. My unreserved faith in god is all the salvation I need, god will take care of everything." They have always pinned their hope to the after life, driven by delusions of grand mansions and vestal virgins that await the faithful.

Then there are those other fallacists who live purely by economics. How wrong are these people? Are they so myopic that they confuse burning lethal energy as profit. What profit is there in values that perpetuate materiality at the expense of peace or happiness? Where is the good in misery, starvation, and slavery.

These are surely the signs of the monster, capitalism. What a wonderful world it pretends to be for those who are strong enough to survive with money and power. After the slaves are gone who will pay the taxes? Unless for money sake, I can not fathom the arguments which allay renewable energies over coal and nuclear.

Eventually, we must put our dynamism into renewables. So why not get started now in a big way instead of being so superficial about actually doing something we know is the right action? Surely one thing humanity can do well is rise to a challenge.

My voice is all I have to add to a chorus of people who believe whether we are late or not we must act to preserve our beautiful earth.